Let’s Make a Deal: Evaluating IT Price and Value – eBook

Better Balancing IT Price and Value

We make cost-based decisions every day. Weighing value is more complicated. Yet whether the business is buying new laptops or thinking about upgrading its existing office software to get the newest release, value has a real impact.

Our eBook Let’s Make a Deal: Evaluating Price versus Value explores the importance of weighing price and value, with an emphasis on value, to make the best business decisions.


  • Why we focus first on price
  • Why determining value is difficult
  • What these considerations mean to IT decisions and selecting a service provider

Value is a tradeoff between benefits received from a product and service plus the price. It’s a balancing act you can better understand in the IT-sphere with our latest ebook.

About the Author

Lindsay is the Director of Client Service Delivery. In addition to ensuring all client services are delivered accurately and timely she is able to easily identify weaknesses in a business and help streamline processes thanks to her Masters degree in Business Management from Indiana Univerity.

Lindsay Burnett

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